One Explicit Impact

Kinetic Sound and Video Installation

Microphones, Snare Drums, Motors, Speakers

Single channel HD Video, 2 channel audio

Produced by l’Assaut de la Menuiserie – Saint-Etienne.


ONE EXPLICIT IMPACT is a kinetic sound installation and video, a personal reflection on an ongoing improvised music collaboration between the myself and percussionist Rodolphe Loubatière. Our music oscillates between both thresholds of the audible: the imperceptible and the overbearing, using percussive objects which are processed electronically. It is a music constructed in real time, searching, generated by a mutual exchange of energy; it is a constant play between unstable tensions and indeterminate releases. 

The installation focuses on this precise breaking between tension and release, and through this explores notions of expectation, reaction, simultaneity as well as the ritualistic aspect of music creation, in which the musicians  have the power to materialize something from nothing (or nothing from something).